Temple Airport wins regional award

The Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport has been awarded the 2021 Airport Project of the Year award by the South Central Chapter of American Association of Airport Executives.

The award recognizes the airport’s innovative lighting project, which replaced all incandescent lighting on the airfield to energy-saving LED lights and signs.

“The new LED lighting is brighter, more energy efficient, and has a longer life-span than the older system,” Airport Director Sean Parker said. “All lights, signs, and windsocks are brand new and ready to assist our flying public for the next decade.”

The project is expected to cut the airport’s airfield lighting energy costs by more than half and will provide infrastructure that last two to three times longer than the previous fixtures.

The project was initially awarded a 90/10 grant by TxDOT aviation to fund the $2.1 million project. In mid-2020, additional funding was made available through the CARES act to fully fund the project, eliminating the need for the city to contribute funding.

Construction began in January and final inspections were completed May 27.

The Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport is a 922-acre facility that supports both corporate and private aviation needs.