Operation Fast Trak

Operation Fast Trak
Operation Fast Trak is a program that is designed to help with the rapid recovery of missing persons with mental disabilities who have developed wandering tendencies. These disabilities frequently result in wandering behaviors and include:
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Autism
  • Down's syndrome
The families and caregivers of these persons are often left with very few options, and very little peace of mind, as they deal with these challenging medical conditions.

About the ProgramThe Temple Police Department, the Temple Public Safety Advisory Board, and Leadership Temple have joined forces to help save lives in Temple. Through community involvement and contributions, this program is growing and thriving in our city.
Tragedy PreventionIn 2007, an elderly Temple woman with Alzheimer's Disease wandered away from her caregivers at the Temple Mall. She was found the next day, deceased after succumbing to hypothermia. Operation Fast Trak, which began in 2008, is designed to help prevent that type of tragedy from happening again in Temple.

Use of Technology & InformationOperation Fast Track relies on proven, but simple radio technology and a specially trained search and rescue team. Clients who are enrolled in Operation Fast Trak wear a personalized wristband that emits a tracking signal. When caregivers notify the police that a person is missing, our officers respond to the wanderer's area and begin searching using this tracking system.

Decrease in Statistics & Recovery TimeOperation Fast Trak reports that using this system reduces search times from hours and days to just minutes in most cases. In what now amounts to over 1,500 searches using Operation Fast Trak equipment, there have been no reported serious injuries or deaths, and recovery times average less than 30 minutes. Clearly, it was time to bring this powerful tool to Central Texas.

How to Donate to the ProgramOperation Fast Trak currently serves several clients in the Temple area. Continued maintenance of equipment, and additional radio transmitters for clients, require funds that you can assist in providing. Please consider making a donation to help us continue this program. All funding received will be used to support Operation Fast Trak in Temple, and all purchases will be monitored by the Temple Public Safety Advisory Board. Remember, your contribution is a tax-deductible donation made to the City of Temple.

Candidates for Operation Fast TrakIf you live in Temple and are the caregiver to a person with a medical condition that produces wandering behaviors, we would like to hear from you. With a short initial interview, we can provide you with the peace of mind this program allows. Call our program coordinator at 298-5788, or email us.