Yard Waste

To help protect our water quality:

  1.  Do not blow leaves or grass into the street or storm drains. Blow or sweep the debris back into the yard.
  2. Grass clippings that get into our waterways add nutrients that contribute to algae blooms which can harm our water quality & habitat.
  3.  Adjust sprinkler heads so they water your lawn and plants and not sidewalks or pavement

Dispose of Lawn care Waste:

  •  Leave the leaves & grass clippings on site to mulch, or bag up for brush & bulk collection. You can Dispose of grass, leaves, shrubs, and other organic matter.

If you would like to know when you brush pickup is visit: Brush & Bulk Collection

When should I place my brush/bulk items at the curb?
Items should be placed at the curb no more than 7 days prior to your scheduled collection day. Your collection day is considered Day 7, and items must be at the curb no later than 7:00 AM on that day

If you have any questions regarding pickup, please call 254-298-5725 or click HERE.

Reduce the use of Landscape Chemicals:

Decrease the use of lawn and garden care products such as pesticides, weed killers, and chemical fertilizers. Avoid over-watering, which may wash these products into the gutter and storm drains.