Pre-Development Meetings

Pre-Development Meetings take place on Tuesdays 2-4 pm, half hour slots (30-minute), virtually and/or at City Hall. 

Pre-development meetings are highly encouraged discussions between Staff and property owners, developers, engineers, surveyors, architects, and other interested parties. A pre-development meeting aims to provide the necessary information regarding state laws and City ordinances, ensuring that the City staff and applicant communicate most effectively.

Property owners and developers are encouraged to schedule a Pre-Development Meeting before undertaking a project in order to obtain pertinent information relating to their proposal. The processes will require further review before formal approval.

The Pre-Development Meeting could potentially consist of representatives from the following divisions:

  • Engineering
  • Planning
  • Building
  • Utilities
  • Fire Marshal
  • City Manager’s Office

City staff will be ready to assist you with:

  • Processing of subdivisions, residential and commercial projects
  • Platting questions/requirements
  • Zoning questions
  • Utility availability
  • Right-of-way and dedication requirements
  • Drainage questions/requirements
  • Building code and compliance
  • Fire code and compliance

If you would like to schedule a Pre-Development Meeting, the following is highly recommended:

  • A site plan/conceptual site plan and survey
  • If available, please send architectural plans, plat, and utility plan as attachments if possible
  • The property owner or owner’s representative
  • Developers, engineers, surveyors, architects, and other representatives of the project are strongly encouraged to attend

Request a Pre-Development MeetingYou can request a Pre-Development Meeting by emailing Kathie Gover, Executive Assistant or by calling 254-298-5668.

Meetings are held either virtually through a Microsoft Teams meeting invite we will send you or in the Planning Department Conference room at 2 North Main Street.